request = app('datatables.request'); $this->config = app('datatables.config'); $this->collection = $collection; $this->original = $collection; $this->columns = array_keys($this->serialize($collection->first())); } /** * Serialize collection. * * @param mixed $collection * @return mixed|null */ protected function serialize($collection) { return $collection instanceof Arrayable ? $collection->toArray() : (array) $collection; } /** * Count results. * * @return int */ public function count() { return $this->collection->count() > $this->totalRecords ? $this->totalRecords : $this->collection->count(); } /** * Perform column search. * * @return void */ public function columnSearch() { $columns = $this->request->get('columns', []); for ($i = 0, $c = count($columns); $i < $c; $i++) { if ($this->request->isColumnSearchable($i)) { $this->isFilterApplied = true; $regex = $this->request->isRegex($i); $column = $this->getColumnName($i); $keyword = $this->request->columnKeyword($i); $this->collection = $this->collection->filter( function ($row) use ($column, $keyword, $regex) { $data = $this->serialize($row); $value = Arr::get($data, $column); if ($this->config->isCaseInsensitive()) { if ($regex) { return preg_match('/' . $keyword . '/i', $value) == 1; } return strpos(Str::lower($value), Str::lower($keyword)) !== false; } if ($regex) { return preg_match('/' . $keyword . '/', $value) == 1; } return strpos($value, $keyword) !== false; } ); } } } /** * Perform pagination. * * @return void */ public function paging() { $this->collection = $this->collection->slice( $this->request->input('start'), (int) $this->request->input('length') > 0 ? $this->request->input('length') : 10 ); } /** * Organizes works. * * @param bool $mDataSupport * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse */ public function make($mDataSupport = true) { try { $this->totalRecords = $this->totalCount(); if ($this->totalRecords) { $results = $this->results(); $processed = $this->processResults($results, $mDataSupport); $output = $this->transform($results, $processed); $this->collection = collect($output); $this->ordering(); $this->filterRecords(); $this->paginate(); $this->revertIndexColumn($mDataSupport); } return $this->render($this->collection->values()->all()); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return $this->errorResponse($exception); } } /** * Count total items. * * @return int */ public function totalCount() { return $this->totalRecords ? $this->totalRecords : $this->collection->count(); } /** * Get results. * * @return mixed */ public function results() { return $this->collection->all(); } /** * Revert transformed DT_RowIndex back to it's original values. * * @param bool $mDataSupport */ private function revertIndexColumn($mDataSupport) { if ($this->columnDef['index']) { $index = $mDataSupport ? config('datatables.index_column', 'DT_RowIndex') : 0; $start = (int) $this->request->input('start'); $this->collection->transform(function ($data) use ($index, &$start) { $data[$index] = ++$start; return $data; }); } } /** * Perform global search for the given keyword. * * @param string $keyword */ protected function globalSearch($keyword) { $keyword = $this->config->isCaseInsensitive() ? Str::lower($keyword) : $keyword; $this->collection = $this->collection->filter(function ($row) use ($keyword) { $this->isFilterApplied = true; $data = $this->serialize($row); foreach ($this->request->searchableColumnIndex() as $index) { $column = $this->getColumnName($index); $value = Arr::get($data, $column); if (! $value || is_array($value)) { if (! is_numeric($value)) { continue; } $value = (string) $value; } $value = $this->config->isCaseInsensitive() ? Str::lower($value) : $value; if (Str::contains($value, $keyword)) { return true; } } return false; }); } /** * Perform default query orderBy clause. */ protected function defaultOrdering() { $criteria = $this->request->orderableColumns(); if (! empty($criteria)) { $sorter = $this->getSorter($criteria); $this->collection = $this->collection ->map(function ($data) { return array_dot($data); }) ->sort($sorter) ->map(function ($data) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { unset($data[$key]); array_set($data, $key, $value); } return $data; }); } } /** * Get array sorter closure. * * @param array $criteria * @return \Closure */ protected function getSorter(array $criteria) { $sorter = function ($a, $b) use ($criteria) { foreach ($criteria as $orderable) { $column = $this->getColumnName($orderable['column']); $direction = $orderable['direction']; if ($direction === 'desc') { $first = $b; $second = $a; } else { $first = $a; $second = $b; } if ($this->config->isCaseInsensitive()) { $cmp = strnatcasecmp($first[$column], $second[$column]); } else { $cmp = strnatcmp($first[$column], $second[$column]); } if ($cmp != 0) { return $cmp; } } // all elements were equal return 0; }; return $sorter; } /** * Resolve callback parameter instance. * * @return $this */ protected function resolveCallbackParameter() { return $this; } }