0) { // This is the main thread. We'll just wait for a while. // We won't be needing this one. \fclose($up); // Wait for a return value from the loop process. $read = [$down]; $write = null; $except = null; do { $n = @\stream_select($read, $write, $except, null); if ($n === 0) { throw new \RuntimeException('Process timed out waiting for execution loop'); } if ($n === false) { $err = \error_get_last(); if (!isset($err['message']) || \stripos($err['message'], 'interrupted system call') === false) { $msg = $err['message'] ? \sprintf('Error waiting for execution loop: %s', $err['message']) : 'Error waiting for execution loop'; throw new \RuntimeException($msg); } } } while ($n < 1); $content = \stream_get_contents($down); \fclose($down); if ($content) { $shell->setScopeVariables(@\unserialize($content)); } throw new BreakException('Exiting main thread'); } // This is the child process. It's going to do all the work. if (\function_exists('setproctitle')) { setproctitle('psysh (loop)'); } // We won't be needing this one. \fclose($down); // Save this; we'll need to close it in `afterRun` $this->up = $up; } /** * Create a savegame at the start of each loop iteration. * * @param Shell $shell */ public function beforeLoop(Shell $shell) { $this->createSavegame(); } /** * Clean up old savegames at the end of each loop iteration. * * @param Shell $shell */ public function afterLoop(Shell $shell) { // if there's an old savegame hanging around, let's kill it. if (isset($this->savegame)) { \posix_kill($this->savegame, SIGKILL); \pcntl_signal_dispatch(); } } /** * After the REPL session ends, send the scope variables back up to the main * thread (if this is a child thread). * * @param Shell $shell */ public function afterRun(Shell $shell) { // We're a child thread. Send the scope variables back up to the main thread. if (isset($this->up)) { \fwrite($this->up, $this->serializeReturn($shell->getScopeVariables(false))); \fclose($this->up); \posix_kill(\posix_getpid(), SIGKILL); } } /** * Create a savegame fork. * * The savegame contains the current execution state, and can be resumed in * the event that the worker dies unexpectedly (for example, by encountering * a PHP fatal error). */ private function createSavegame() { // the current process will become the savegame $this->savegame = \posix_getpid(); $pid = \pcntl_fork(); if ($pid < 0) { throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to create savegame fork'); } elseif ($pid > 0) { // we're the savegame now... let's wait and see what happens \pcntl_waitpid($pid, $status); // worker exited cleanly, let's bail if (!\pcntl_wexitstatus($status)) { \posix_kill(\posix_getpid(), SIGKILL); } // worker didn't exit cleanly, we'll need to have another go $this->createSavegame(); } } /** * Serialize all serializable return values. * * A naïve serialization will run into issues if there is a Closure or * SimpleXMLElement (among other things) in scope when exiting the execution * loop. We'll just ignore these unserializable classes, and serialize what * we can. * * @param array $return * * @return string */ private function serializeReturn(array $return) { $serializable = []; foreach ($return as $key => $value) { // No need to return magic variables if (Context::isSpecialVariableName($key)) { continue; } // Resources and Closures don't error, but they don't serialize well either. if (\is_resource($value) || $value instanceof \Closure) { continue; } try { @\serialize($value); $serializable[$key] = $value; } catch (\Throwable $e) { // we'll just ignore this one... } catch (\Exception $e) { // and this one too... // @todo remove this once we don't support PHP 5.x anymore :) } } return @\serialize($serializable); } }