Command took %.6f seconds to complete.'; const AVG_RESULT_MSG = 'Command took %.6f seconds on average (%.6f median; %.6f total) to complete.'; private static $start = null; private static $times = []; private $parser; private $traverser; private $printer; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __construct($name = null) { $parserFactory = new ParserFactory(); $this->parser = $parserFactory->createParser(); $this->traverser = new NodeTraverser(); $this->traverser->addVisitor(new TimeitVisitor()); $this->printer = new Printer(); parent::__construct($name); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function configure() { $this ->setName('timeit') ->setDefinition([ new InputOption('num', 'n', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Number of iterations.'), new CodeArgument('code', CodeArgument::REQUIRED, 'Code to execute.'), ]) ->setDescription('Profiles with a timer.') ->setHelp( <<<'HELP' Time profiling for functions and commands. e.g. >>> timeit sleep(1) >>> timeit -n1000 $closure() HELP ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $code = $input->getArgument('code'); $num = $input->getOption('num') ?: 1; $shell = $this->getApplication(); $instrumentedCode = $this->instrumentCode($code); self::$times = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $_ = $shell->execute($instrumentedCode); $this->ensureEndMarked(); } $shell->writeReturnValue($_); $times = self::$times; self::$times = []; if ($num === 1) { $output->writeln(\sprintf(self::RESULT_MSG, $times[0])); } else { $total = \array_sum($times); \rsort($times); $median = $times[\round($num / 2)]; $output->writeln(\sprintf(self::AVG_RESULT_MSG, $total / $num, $median, $total)); } } /** * Internal method for marking the start of timeit execution. * * A static call to this method will be injected at the start of the timeit * input code to instrument the call. We will use the saved start time to * more accurately calculate time elapsed during execution. */ public static function markStart() { self::$start = \microtime(true); } /** * Internal method for marking the end of timeit execution. * * A static call to this method is injected by TimeitVisitor at the end * of the timeit input code to instrument the call. * * Note that this accepts an optional $ret parameter, which is used to pass * the return value of the last statement back out of timeit. This saves us * a bunch of code rewriting shenanigans. * * @param mixed $ret * * @return mixed it just passes $ret right back */ public static function markEnd($ret = null) { self::$times[] = \microtime(true) - self::$start; self::$start = null; return $ret; } /** * Ensure that the end of code execution was marked. * * The end *should* be marked in the instrumented code, but just in case * we'll add a fallback here. */ private function ensureEndMarked() { if (self::$start !== null) { self::markEnd(); } } /** * Instrument code for timeit execution. * * This inserts `markStart` and `markEnd` calls to ensure that (reasonably) * accurate times are recorded for just the code being executed. * * @param string $code * * @return string */ private function instrumentCode($code) { return $this->printer->prettyPrint($this->traverser->traverse($this->parse($code))); } /** * Lex and parse a string of code into statements. * * @param string $code * * @return array Statements */ private function parse($code) { $code = 'parser->parse($code); } catch (\PhpParser\Error $e) { if (\strpos($e->getMessage(), 'unexpected EOF') === false) { throw $e; } // If we got an unexpected EOF, let's try it again with a semicolon. return $this->parser->parse($code . ';'); } } }