colorMode = $colorMode ?: Configuration::COLOR_MODE_AUTO; parent::__construct(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function configure() { $this ->setName('show') ->setDefinition([ new CodeArgument('target', CodeArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Function, class, instance, constant, method or property to show.'), new InputOption('ex', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Show last exception context. Optionally specify a stack index.', 1), ]) ->setDescription('Show the code for an object, class, constant, method or property.') ->setHelp( <<cat --ex defaults to showing the lines surrounding the location of the last exception. Invoking it more than once travels up the exception's stack trace, and providing a number shows the context of the given index of the trace. e.g. >>> show \$myObject >>> show Psy\Shell::debug >>> show --ex >>> show --ex 3 HELP ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { // n.b. As far as I can tell, InputInterface doesn't want to tell me // whether an option with an optional value was actually passed. If you // call `$input->getOption('ex')`, it will return the default, both when // `--ex` is specified with no value, and when `--ex` isn't specified at // all. // // So we're doing something sneaky here. If we call `getOptions`, it'll // return the default value when `--ex` is not present, and `null` if // `--ex` is passed with no value. /shrug $opts = $input->getOptions(); // Strict comparison to `1` (the default value) here, because `--ex 1` // will come in as `"1"`. Now we can tell the difference between // "no --ex present", because it's the integer 1, "--ex with no value", // because it's `null`, and "--ex 1", because it's the string "1". if ($opts['ex'] !== 1) { if ($input->getArgument('target')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Too many arguments (supply either "target" or "--ex")'); } return $this->writeExceptionContext($input, $output); } if ($input->getArgument('target')) { return $this->writeCodeContext($input, $output); } throw new RuntimeException('Not enough arguments (missing: "target")'); } private function writeCodeContext(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { list($target, $reflector) = $this->getTargetAndReflector($input->getArgument('target')); // Set some magic local variables $this->setCommandScopeVariables($reflector); try { $output->page(CodeFormatter::format($reflector, $this->colorMode), ShellOutput::OUTPUT_RAW); } catch (RuntimeException $e) { $output->writeln(SignatureFormatter::format($reflector)); throw $e; } } private function writeExceptionContext(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $exception = $this->context->getLastException(); if ($exception !== $this->lastException) { $this->lastException = null; $this->lastExceptionIndex = null; } $opts = $input->getOptions(); if ($opts['ex'] === null) { if ($this->lastException && $this->lastExceptionIndex !== null) { $index = $this->lastExceptionIndex + 1; } else { $index = 0; } } else { $index = \max(0, \intval($input->getOption('ex')) - 1); } $trace = $exception->getTrace(); \array_unshift($trace, [ 'file' => $exception->getFile(), 'line' => $exception->getLine(), ]); if ($index >= \count($trace)) { $index = 0; } $this->lastException = $exception; $this->lastExceptionIndex = $index; $output->writeln($this->getApplication()->formatException($exception)); $output->writeln('--'); $this->writeTraceLine($output, $trace, $index); $this->writeTraceCodeSnippet($output, $trace, $index); $this->setCommandScopeVariablesFromContext($trace[$index]); } private function writeTraceLine(OutputInterface $output, array $trace, $index) { $file = isset($trace[$index]['file']) ? $this->replaceCwd($trace[$index]['file']) : 'n/a'; $line = isset($trace[$index]['line']) ? $trace[$index]['line'] : 'n/a'; $output->writeln(\sprintf( 'From %s:%d at level %d of backtrace (of %d).', OutputFormatter::escape($file), OutputFormatter::escape($line), $index + 1, \count($trace) )); } private function replaceCwd($file) { if ($cwd = \getcwd()) { $cwd = \rtrim($cwd, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if ($cwd === false) { return $file; } else { return \preg_replace('/^' . \preg_quote($cwd, '/') . '/', '', $file); } } private function writeTraceCodeSnippet(OutputInterface $output, array $trace, $index) { if (!isset($trace[$index]['file'])) { return; } $file = $trace[$index]['file']; if ($fileAndLine = $this->extractEvalFileAndLine($file)) { list($file, $line) = $fileAndLine; } else { if (!isset($trace[$index]['line'])) { return; } $line = $trace[$index]['line']; } if (\is_file($file)) { $code = @\file_get_contents($file); } if (empty($code)) { return; } $output->write($this->getHighlighter()->getCodeSnippet($code, $line, 5, 5), ShellOutput::OUTPUT_RAW); } private function getHighlighter() { if (!$this->highlighter) { $factory = new ConsoleColorFactory($this->colorMode); $this->highlighter = new Highlighter($factory->getConsoleColor()); } return $this->highlighter; } private function setCommandScopeVariablesFromContext(array $context) { $vars = []; if (isset($context['class'])) { $vars['__class'] = $context['class']; if (isset($context['function'])) { $vars['__method'] = $context['function']; } try { $refl = new \ReflectionClass($context['class']); if ($namespace = $refl->getNamespaceName()) { $vars['__namespace'] = $namespace; } } catch (\Exception $e) { // oh well } } elseif (isset($context['function'])) { $vars['__function'] = $context['function']; try { $refl = new \ReflectionFunction($context['function']); if ($namespace = $refl->getNamespaceName()) { $vars['__namespace'] = $namespace; } } catch (\Exception $e) { // oh well } } if (isset($context['file'])) { $file = $context['file']; if ($fileAndLine = $this->extractEvalFileAndLine($file)) { list($file, $line) = $fileAndLine; } elseif (isset($context['line'])) { $line = $context['line']; } if (\is_file($file)) { $vars['__file'] = $file; if (isset($line)) { $vars['__line'] = $line; } $vars['__dir'] = \dirname($file); } } $this->context->setCommandScopeVariables($vars); } private function extractEvalFileAndLine($file) { if (\preg_match('/(.*)\\((\\d+)\\) : eval\\(\\)\'d code$/', $file, $matches)) { return [$matches[1], $matches[2]]; } } }