' ' . $this->getSynopsis(),
if ($this->getAliases()) {
$messages[] = $this->aliasesAsText();
if ($this->getArguments()) {
$messages[] = $this->argumentsAsText();
if ($this->getOptions()) {
$messages[] = $this->optionsAsText();
if ($help = $this->getProcessedHelp()) {
$messages[] = 'Help:';
$messages[] = ' ' . \str_replace("\n", "\n ", $help) . "\n";
return \implode("\n", $messages);
* {@inheritdoc}
private function getArguments()
$hidden = $this->getHiddenArguments();
return \array_filter($this->getNativeDefinition()->getArguments(), function ($argument) use ($hidden) {
return !\in_array($argument->getName(), $hidden);
* These arguments will be excluded from help output.
* @return array
protected function getHiddenArguments()
return ['command'];
* {@inheritdoc}
private function getOptions()
$hidden = $this->getHiddenOptions();
return \array_filter($this->getNativeDefinition()->getOptions(), function ($option) use ($hidden) {
return !\in_array($option->getName(), $hidden);
* These options will be excluded from help output.
* @return array
protected function getHiddenOptions()
return ['verbose'];
* Format command aliases as text..
* @return string
private function aliasesAsText()
return 'Aliases: ' . \implode(', ', $this->getAliases()) . '' . PHP_EOL;
* Format command arguments as text.
* @return string
private function argumentsAsText()
$max = $this->getMaxWidth();
$messages = [];
$arguments = $this->getArguments();
if (!empty($arguments)) {
$messages[] = 'Arguments:';
foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
if (null !== $argument->getDefault() && (!\is_array($argument->getDefault()) || \count($argument->getDefault()))) {
$default = \sprintf(' (default: %s)', $this->formatDefaultValue($argument->getDefault()));
} else {
$default = '';
$description = \str_replace("\n", "\n" . \str_pad('', $max + 2, ' '), $argument->getDescription());
$messages[] = \sprintf(" %-${max}s %s%s", $argument->getName(), $description, $default);
$messages[] = '';
return \implode(PHP_EOL, $messages);
* Format options as text.
* @return string
private function optionsAsText()
$max = $this->getMaxWidth();
$messages = [];
$options = $this->getOptions();
if ($options) {
$messages[] = 'Options:';
foreach ($options as $option) {
if ($option->acceptValue() && null !== $option->getDefault() && (!\is_array($option->getDefault()) || \count($option->getDefault()))) {
$default = \sprintf(' (default: %s)', $this->formatDefaultValue($option->getDefault()));
} else {
$default = '';
$multiple = $option->isArray() ? ' (multiple values allowed)' : '';
$description = \str_replace("\n", "\n" . \str_pad('', $max + 2, ' '), $option->getDescription());
$optionMax = $max - \strlen($option->getName()) - 2;
$messages[] = \sprintf(
" %s %-${optionMax}s%s%s%s",
'--' . $option->getName(),
$option->getShortcut() ? \sprintf('(-%s) ', $option->getShortcut()) : '',
$messages[] = '';
return \implode(PHP_EOL, $messages);
* Calculate the maximum padding width for a set of lines.
* @return int
private function getMaxWidth()
$max = 0;
foreach ($this->getOptions() as $option) {
$nameLength = \strlen($option->getName()) + 2;
if ($option->getShortcut()) {
$nameLength += \strlen($option->getShortcut()) + 3;
$max = \max($max, $nameLength);
foreach ($this->getArguments() as $argument) {
$max = \max($max, \strlen($argument->getName()));
return ++$max;
* Format an option default as text.
* @param mixed $default
* @return string
private function formatDefaultValue($default)
if (\is_array($default) && $default === \array_values($default)) {
return \sprintf("array('%s')", \implode("', '", $default));
return \str_replace("\n", '', \var_export($default, true));
* Get a Table instance.
* Falls back to legacy TableHelper.
* @return Table|TableHelper
protected function getTable(OutputInterface $output)
if (!\class_exists('Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\Table')) {
return $this->getTableHelper();
$style = new TableStyle();
->setVerticalBorderChar(' ')
$table = new Table($output);
return $table
* Legacy fallback for getTable.
* @return TableHelper
protected function getTableHelper()
$table = $this->getApplication()->getHelperSet()->get('table');
return $table