isRequireNode($origNode)) { return; } $node = clone $origNode; /* * rewrite * * $foo = require $bar * * to * * $foo = require \Psy\CodeCleaner\RequirePass::resolve($bar) */ $node->expr = new StaticCall( new FullyQualifiedName('Psy\CodeCleaner\RequirePass'), 'resolve', [new Arg($origNode->expr), new Arg(new LNumber($origNode->getLine()))], $origNode->getAttributes() ); return $node; } /** * Runtime validation that $file can be resolved as an include path. * * If $file can be resolved, return $file. Otherwise throw a fatal error exception. * * @throws FatalErrorException when unable to resolve include path for $file * @throws ErrorException if $file is empty and E_WARNING is included in error_reporting level * * @param string $file * @param int $lineNumber Line number of the original require expression * * @return string Exactly the same as $file */ public static function resolve($file, $lineNumber = null) { $file = (string) $file; if ($file === '') { // @todo Shell::handleError would be better here, because we could // fake the file and line number, but we can't call it statically. // So we're duplicating some of the logics here. if (E_WARNING & \error_reporting()) { ErrorException::throwException(E_WARNING, 'Filename cannot be empty', null, $lineNumber); } // @todo trigger an error as fallback? this is pretty ugly… // trigger_error('Filename cannot be empty', E_USER_WARNING); } if ($file === '' || !\stream_resolve_include_path($file)) { $msg = \sprintf("Failed opening required '%s'", $file); throw new FatalErrorException($msg, 0, E_ERROR, null, $lineNumber); } return $file; } private function isRequireNode(Node $node) { return $node instanceof Include_ && \in_array($node->type, self::$requireTypes); } }