* Marcello Duarte * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Prophecy\Doubler\Generator; use Prophecy\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Prophecy\Exception\Doubler\ClassMirrorException; use ReflectionClass; use ReflectionMethod; use ReflectionParameter; /** * Class mirror. * Core doubler class. Mirrors specific class and/or interfaces into class node tree. * * @author Konstantin Kudryashov */ class ClassMirror { private static $reflectableMethods = array( '__construct', '__destruct', '__sleep', '__wakeup', '__toString', '__call', '__invoke' ); /** * Reflects provided arguments into class node. * * @param ReflectionClass $class * @param ReflectionClass[] $interfaces * * @return Node\ClassNode * * @throws \Prophecy\Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public function reflect(ReflectionClass $class = null, array $interfaces) { $node = new Node\ClassNode; if (null !== $class) { if (true === $class->isInterface()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( "Could not reflect %s as a class, because it\n". "is interface - use the second argument instead.", $class->getName() )); } $this->reflectClassToNode($class, $node); } foreach ($interfaces as $interface) { if (!$interface instanceof ReflectionClass) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( "[ReflectionClass \$interface1 [, ReflectionClass \$interface2]] array expected as\n". "a second argument to `ClassMirror::reflect(...)`, but got %s.", is_object($interface) ? get_class($interface).' class' : gettype($interface) )); } if (false === $interface->isInterface()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( "Could not reflect %s as an interface, because it\n". "is class - use the first argument instead.", $interface->getName() )); } $this->reflectInterfaceToNode($interface, $node); } $node->addInterface('Prophecy\Doubler\Generator\ReflectionInterface'); return $node; } private function reflectClassToNode(ReflectionClass $class, Node\ClassNode $node) { if (true === $class->isFinal()) { throw new ClassMirrorException(sprintf( 'Could not reflect class %s as it is marked final.', $class->getName() ), $class); } $node->setParentClass($class->getName()); foreach ($class->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_ABSTRACT) as $method) { if (false === $method->isProtected()) { continue; } $this->reflectMethodToNode($method, $node); } foreach ($class->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $method) { if (0 === strpos($method->getName(), '_') && !in_array($method->getName(), self::$reflectableMethods)) { continue; } if (true === $method->isFinal()) { $node->addUnextendableMethod($method->getName()); continue; } $this->reflectMethodToNode($method, $node); } } private function reflectInterfaceToNode(ReflectionClass $interface, Node\ClassNode $node) { $node->addInterface($interface->getName()); foreach ($interface->getMethods() as $method) { $this->reflectMethodToNode($method, $node); } } private function reflectMethodToNode(ReflectionMethod $method, Node\ClassNode $classNode) { $node = new Node\MethodNode($method->getName()); if (true === $method->isProtected()) { $node->setVisibility('protected'); } if (true === $method->isStatic()) { $node->setStatic(); } if (true === $method->returnsReference()) { $node->setReturnsReference(); } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0', '>=') && $method->hasReturnType()) { $returnType = PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70100 ? $method->getReturnType()->getName() : (string) $method->getReturnType(); $returnTypeLower = strtolower($returnType); if ('self' === $returnTypeLower) { $returnType = $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName(); } if ('parent' === $returnTypeLower) { $returnType = $method->getDeclaringClass()->getParentClass()->getName(); } $node->setReturnType($returnType); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1', '>=') && $method->getReturnType()->allowsNull()) { $node->setNullableReturnType(true); } } if (is_array($params = $method->getParameters()) && count($params)) { foreach ($params as $param) { $this->reflectArgumentToNode($param, $node); } } $classNode->addMethod($node); } private function reflectArgumentToNode(ReflectionParameter $parameter, Node\MethodNode $methodNode) { $name = $parameter->getName() == '...' ? '__dot_dot_dot__' : $parameter->getName(); $node = new Node\ArgumentNode($name); $node->setTypeHint($this->getTypeHint($parameter)); if ($this->isVariadic($parameter)) { $node->setAsVariadic(); } if ($this->hasDefaultValue($parameter)) { $node->setDefault($this->getDefaultValue($parameter)); } if ($parameter->isPassedByReference()) { $node->setAsPassedByReference(); } $node->setAsNullable($this->isNullable($parameter)); $methodNode->addArgument($node); } private function hasDefaultValue(ReflectionParameter $parameter) { if ($this->isVariadic($parameter)) { return false; } if ($parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { return true; } return $parameter->isOptional() || $this->isNullable($parameter); } private function getDefaultValue(ReflectionParameter $parameter) { if (!$parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { return null; } return $parameter->getDefaultValue(); } private function getTypeHint(ReflectionParameter $parameter) { if (null !== $className = $this->getParameterClassName($parameter)) { return $className; } if (true === $parameter->isArray()) { return 'array'; } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '>=') && true === $parameter->isCallable()) { return 'callable'; } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.0', '>=') && true === $parameter->hasType()) { return PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70100 ? $parameter->getType()->getName() : (string) $parameter->getType(); } return null; } private function isVariadic(ReflectionParameter $parameter) { return PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50600 && $parameter->isVariadic(); } private function isNullable(ReflectionParameter $parameter) { return $parameter->allowsNull() && null !== $this->getTypeHint($parameter); } private function getParameterClassName(ReflectionParameter $parameter) { try { return $parameter->getClass() ? $parameter->getClass()->getName() : null; } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { preg_match('/\[\s\<\w+?>\s([\w,\\\]+)/s', $parameter, $matches); return isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : null; } } }