
namespace Mollie\Api\Endpoints;

use Mollie\Api\Resources\Customer;
use Mollie\Api\Resources\ResourceFactory;
use Mollie\Api\Resources\Subscription;
use Mollie\Api\Resources\SubscriptionCollection;

class SubscriptionEndpoint extends CollectionEndpointAbstract
    protected $resourcePath = "customers_subscriptions";

     * Get the object that is used by this API endpoint. Every API endpoint uses one type of object.
     * @return Subscription
    protected function getResourceObject()
        return new Subscription($this->client);

     * Get the collection object that is used by this API endpoint. Every API endpoint uses one type of collection object.
     * @param int $count
     * @param \stdClass $_links
     * @return SubscriptionCollection
    protected function getResourceCollectionObject($count, $_links)
        return new SubscriptionCollection($this->client, $count, $_links);

     * Create a subscription for a Customer
     * @param Customer $customer
     * @param array $options
     * @param array $filters
     * @return Subscription
    public function createFor(Customer $customer, array $options = [], array $filters = [])
        $this->parentId = $customer->id;

        return parent::rest_create($options, $filters);

     * @param Customer $customer
     * @param string $subscriptionId
     * @param array $parameters
     * @return Subscription
    public function getFor(Customer $customer, $subscriptionId, array $parameters = [])
        $this->parentId = $customer->id;

        return parent::rest_read($subscriptionId, $parameters);

     * @param Customer $customer
     * @param string $from The first resource ID you want to include in your list.
     * @param int $limit
     * @param array $parameters
     * @return SubscriptionCollection
    public function listFor(Customer $customer, $from = null, $limit = null, array $parameters = [])
        $this->parentId = $customer->id;

        return parent::rest_list($from, $limit, $parameters);

     * @param Customer $customer
     * @param string $subscriptionId
     * @param array $data
     * @return null
     * @throws \Mollie\Api\Exceptions\ApiException
    public function cancelFor(Customer $customer, $subscriptionId, array $data = [])
        $this->parentId = $customer->id;

        return parent::rest_delete($subscriptionId, $data);

     * Retrieves a collection of Subscriptions from Mollie.
     * @param string $from The first payment ID you want to include in your list.
     * @param int $limit
     * @param array $parameters
     * @return SubscriptionCollection
     * @throws \Mollie\Api\Exceptions\ApiException
    public function page($from = null, $limit = null, array $parameters = [])
        $filters = array_merge(["from" => $from, "limit" => $limit], $parameters);

        $apiPath = 'subscriptions' . $this->buildQueryString($filters);

        $result = $this->client->performHttpCall(self::REST_LIST, $apiPath);

        /** @var SubscriptionCollection $collection */
        $collection = $this->getResourceCollectionObject($result->count, $result->_links);

        foreach ($result->_embedded->{$collection->getCollectionResourceName()} as $dataResult) {
            $collection[] = ResourceFactory::createFromApiResult($dataResult, $this->getResourceObject());

        return $collection;