![Mollie](https://www.mollie.nl/files/Mollie-Logo-Style-Small.png) # Migrating from Laravel-Mollie v1.x to v2 ### Step 1: Update composer dependencies Update `composer.json` to match this: ``` "require": { "mollie/laravel-mollie": "^2.0" } ``` Then run `composer update mollie/laravel-mollie`. ### Step 2: Reconfiguring the Mollie API key Setting the api key has been simplified. It now only requires you to set a single variable in your `.env` file. This is how you do it: - If you have a `mollie.php` file in your `config/` directory, remove it. - Add `MOLLIE_KEY=your_api_key_here` to your `.env` file. Use the test key for test mode, or the live key for live mode. - You can now remove the `MOLLIE_TEST_MODE`, `MOLLIE_KEY_TEST` and `MOLLIE_KEY_LIVE` variables from the .env file. ### Step 3: Changed package methods A few months ago Mollie launched the v2 API, along with an upgraded php core client. The v2 release of this Laravel-Mollie package leverages the new features of the v2 API. This also means some breaking changes have been introduced in this package. Some methods were removed: - `Mollie::api()->permissions()` - `Mollie::api()->organizations()` - `Mollie::api()->issuers()` These methods were renamed: - `Mollie::api()->customerMandates()` into `Mollie::api()->mandates()` - `Mollie::api()->customersPayments()` into `Mollie::api()->customerPayments()` - `Mollie::api()->customerSubscriptions()` into `Mollie::api()->subscriptions()` - `Mollie::api()->paymentsRefunds()` into `Mollie::api()->refunds()` Also, this method was added: - `Mollie::api()->invoices()` ### Step 4: Other changes More breaking changes were introduced with the new Mollie API. Read about it here in the [official migration docs](https://docs.mollie.com/migrating-v1-to-v2). ## Stuck? Feel free to open an [issue](https://github.com/mollie/laravel-mollie/issues).