<?php namespace Illuminate\Validation; use Closure; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Exists; use Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Unique; use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Rule as RuleContract; class ValidationRuleParser { /** * The data being validated. * * @var array */ public $data; /** * The implicit attributes. * * @var array */ public $implicitAttributes = []; /** * Create a new validation rule parser. * * @param array $data * @return void */ public function __construct(array $data) { $this->data = $data; } /** * Parse the human-friendly rules into a full rules array for the validator. * * @param array $rules * @return \stdClass */ public function explode($rules) { $this->implicitAttributes = []; $rules = $this->explodeRules($rules); return (object) [ 'rules' => $rules, 'implicitAttributes' => $this->implicitAttributes, ]; } /** * Explode the rules into an array of explicit rules. * * @param array $rules * @return array */ protected function explodeRules($rules) { foreach ($rules as $key => $rule) { if (Str::contains($key, '*')) { $rules = $this->explodeWildcardRules($rules, $key, [$rule]); unset($rules[$key]); } else { $rules[$key] = $this->explodeExplicitRule($rule); } } return $rules; } /** * Explode the explicit rule into an array if necessary. * * @param mixed $rule * @return array */ protected function explodeExplicitRule($rule) { if (is_string($rule)) { return explode('|', $rule); } elseif (is_object($rule)) { return [$this->prepareRule($rule)]; } return array_map([$this, 'prepareRule'], $rule); } /** * Prepare the given rule for the Validator. * * @param mixed $rule * @return mixed */ protected function prepareRule($rule) { if ($rule instanceof Closure) { $rule = new ClosureValidationRule($rule); } if (! is_object($rule) || $rule instanceof RuleContract || ($rule instanceof Exists && $rule->queryCallbacks()) || ($rule instanceof Unique && $rule->queryCallbacks())) { return $rule; } return (string) $rule; } /** * Define a set of rules that apply to each element in an array attribute. * * @param array $results * @param string $attribute * @param string|array $rules * @return array */ protected function explodeWildcardRules($results, $attribute, $rules) { $pattern = str_replace('\*', '[^\.]*', preg_quote($attribute)); $data = ValidationData::initializeAndGatherData($attribute, $this->data); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (Str::startsWith($key, $attribute) || (bool) preg_match('/^'.$pattern.'\z/', $key)) { foreach ((array) $rules as $rule) { $this->implicitAttributes[$attribute][] = $key; $results = $this->mergeRules($results, $key, $rule); } } } return $results; } /** * Merge additional rules into a given attribute(s). * * @param array $results * @param string|array $attribute * @param string|array $rules * @return array */ public function mergeRules($results, $attribute, $rules = []) { if (is_array($attribute)) { foreach ((array) $attribute as $innerAttribute => $innerRules) { $results = $this->mergeRulesForAttribute($results, $innerAttribute, $innerRules); } return $results; } return $this->mergeRulesForAttribute( $results, $attribute, $rules ); } /** * Merge additional rules into a given attribute. * * @param array $results * @param string $attribute * @param string|array $rules * @return array */ protected function mergeRulesForAttribute($results, $attribute, $rules) { $merge = head($this->explodeRules([$rules])); $results[$attribute] = array_merge( isset($results[$attribute]) ? $this->explodeExplicitRule($results[$attribute]) : [], $merge ); return $results; } /** * Extract the rule name and parameters from a rule. * * @param array|string $rules * @return array */ public static function parse($rules) { if ($rules instanceof RuleContract) { return [$rules, []]; } if (is_array($rules)) { $rules = static::parseArrayRule($rules); } else { $rules = static::parseStringRule($rules); } $rules[0] = static::normalizeRule($rules[0]); return $rules; } /** * Parse an array based rule. * * @param array $rules * @return array */ protected static function parseArrayRule(array $rules) { return [Str::studly(trim(Arr::get($rules, 0))), array_slice($rules, 1)]; } /** * Parse a string based rule. * * @param string $rules * @return array */ protected static function parseStringRule($rules) { $parameters = []; // The format for specifying validation rules and parameters follows an // easy {rule}:{parameters} formatting convention. For instance the // rule "Max:3" states that the value may only be three letters. if (strpos($rules, ':') !== false) { list($rules, $parameter) = explode(':', $rules, 2); $parameters = static::parseParameters($rules, $parameter); } return [Str::studly(trim($rules)), $parameters]; } /** * Parse a parameter list. * * @param string $rule * @param string $parameter * @return array */ protected static function parseParameters($rule, $parameter) { if (strtolower($rule) == 'regex') { return [$parameter]; } return str_getcsv($parameter); } /** * Normalizes a rule so that we can accept short types. * * @param string $rule * @return string */ protected static function normalizeRule($rule) { switch ($rule) { case 'Int': return 'Integer'; case 'Bool': return 'Boolean'; default: return $rule; } } }