file = $fs ? $fs : new Filesystem(); } /** * Destructor */ public function __destruct() { if (null !== $this->repository) { $this->repository->close(); } } /** * Create a new zip Archive if the file does not exists * opens a zip archive if the file exists * * @param $pathToFile string The file to open * @param RepositoryInterface|string $type The type of the archive, defaults to zip, possible are zip, phar * * @throws \RuntimeException * @throws \Exception * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * * @return $this Zipper instance */ public function make($pathToFile, $type = 'zip') { $new = $this->createArchiveFile($pathToFile); $this->filePath = $pathToFile; $objectOrName = $type; if (is_string($type)) { $objectOrName = 'Chumper\Zipper\Repositories\\'.ucwords($type).'Repository'; } if (!is_subclass_of($objectOrName, 'Chumper\Zipper\Repositories\RepositoryInterface')) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Class for '{$objectOrName}' must implement RepositoryInterface interface"); } $this->repository = $type; if (is_string($objectOrName)) { $this->repository = new $objectOrName($pathToFile, $new); } return $this; } /** * Create a new zip archive or open an existing one * * @param $pathToFile * * @throws \Exception * * @return $this */ public function zip($pathToFile) { $this->make($pathToFile); return $this; } /** * Create a new phar file or open one * * @param $pathToFile * * @throws \Exception * * @return $this */ public function phar($pathToFile) { $this->make($pathToFile, 'phar'); return $this; } /** * Create a new rar file or open one * * @param $pathToFile * * @throws \Exception * * @return $this */ public function rar($pathToFile) { $this->make($pathToFile, 'rar'); return $this; } /** * Extracts the opened zip archive to the specified location
* you can provide an array of files and folders and define if they should be a white list * or a black list to extract. By default this method compares file names using "string starts with" logic * * @param $path string The path to extract to * @param array $files An array of files * @param int $methodFlags The Method the files should be treated * * @throws \Exception */ public function extractTo($path, array $files = [], $methodFlags = self::BLACKLIST) { if (!$this->file->exists($path) && !$this->file->makeDirectory($path, 0755, true)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to create folder'); } if ($methodFlags & self::EXACT_MATCH) { $matchingMethod = function ($haystack) use ($files) { return in_array($haystack, $files, true); }; } else { $matchingMethod = function ($haystack) use ($files) { return starts_with($haystack, $files); }; } if ($methodFlags & self::WHITELIST) { $this->extractFilesInternal($path, $matchingMethod); } else { // blacklist - extract files that do not match with $matchingMethod $this->extractFilesInternal($path, function ($filename) use ($matchingMethod) { return !$matchingMethod($filename); }); } } /** * Extracts matching files/folders from the opened zip archive to the specified location. * * @param string $extractToPath The path to extract to * @param string $regex regular expression used to match files. See @link * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function extractMatchingRegex($extractToPath, $regex) { if (empty($regex)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing pass valid regex parameter'); } $this->extractFilesInternal($extractToPath, function ($filename) use ($regex) { $match = preg_match($regex, $filename); if ($match === 1) { return true; } elseif ($match === false) { //invalid pattern for preg_match raises E_WARNING and returns FALSE //so if you have custom error_handler set to catch and throw E_WARNINGs you never end up here //but if you have not - this will throw exception throw new \RuntimeException("regular expression match on '$filename' failed with error. Please check if pattern is valid regular expression."); } return false; }); } /** * Gets the content of a single file if available * * @param $filePath string The full path (including all folders) of the file in the zip * * @throws \Exception * * @return mixed returns the content or throws an exception */ public function getFileContent($filePath) { if ($this->repository->fileExists($filePath) === false) { throw new Exception(sprintf('The file "%s" cannot be found', $filePath)); } return $this->repository->getFileContent($filePath); } /** * Add one or multiple files to the zip. * * @param $pathToAdd array|string An array or string of files and folders to add * @param null|mixed $fileName * * @return $this Zipper instance */ public function add($pathToAdd, $fileName = null) { if (is_array($pathToAdd)) { foreach ($pathToAdd as $key=>$dir) { if (!is_int($key)) { $this->add($dir, $key); } else { $this->add($dir); } } } elseif ($this->file->isFile($pathToAdd)) { if ($fileName) { $this->addFile($pathToAdd, $fileName); } else { $this->addFile($pathToAdd); } } else { $this->addDir($pathToAdd); } return $this; } /** * Add an empty directory * * @param $dirName * * @return Zipper */ public function addEmptyDir($dirName) { $this->repository->addEmptyDir($dirName); return $this; } /** * Add a file to the zip using its contents * * @param $filename string The name of the file to create * @param $content string The file contents * * @return $this Zipper instance */ public function addString($filename, $content) { $this->addFromString($filename, $content); return $this; } /** * Gets the status of the zip. * * @return int The status of the internal zip file */ public function getStatus() { return $this->repository->getStatus(); } /** * Remove a file or array of files and folders from the zip archive * * @param $fileToRemove array|string The path/array to the files in the zip * * @return $this Zipper instance */ public function remove($fileToRemove) { if (is_array($fileToRemove)) { $self = $this; $this->repository->each(function ($file) use ($fileToRemove, $self) { if (starts_with($file, $fileToRemove)) { $self->getRepository()->removeFile($file); } }); } else { $this->repository->removeFile($fileToRemove); } return $this; } /** * Returns the path of the current zip file if there is one. * * @return string The path to the file */ public function getFilePath() { return $this->filePath; } /** * Sets the password to be used for decompressing * * @param $password * * @return bool */ public function usePassword($password) { return $this->repository->usePassword($password); } /** * Closes the zip file and frees all handles */ public function close() { if (null !== $this->repository) { $this->repository->close(); } $this->filePath = ''; } /** * Sets the internal folder to the given path.
* Useful for extracting only a segment of a zip file. * * @param $path * * @return $this */ public function folder($path) { $this->currentFolder = $path; return $this; } /** * Resets the internal folder to the root of the zip file. * * @return $this */ public function home() { $this->currentFolder = ''; return $this; } /** * Deletes the archive file */ public function delete() { if (null !== $this->repository) { $this->repository->close(); } $this->file->delete($this->filePath); $this->filePath = ''; } /** * Get the type of the Archive * * @return string */ public function getArchiveType() { return get_class($this->repository); } /** * Get the current internal folder pointer * * @return string */ public function getCurrentFolderPath() { return $this->currentFolder; } /** * Checks if a file is present in the archive * * @param $fileInArchive * * @return bool */ public function contains($fileInArchive) { return $this->repository->fileExists($fileInArchive); } /** * @return RepositoryInterface */ public function getRepository() { return $this->repository; } /** * @return Filesystem */ public function getFileHandler() { return $this->file; } /** * Gets the path to the internal folder * * @return string */ public function getInternalPath() { return empty($this->currentFolder) ? '' : $this->currentFolder.'/'; } /** * List all files that are within the archive * * @param string|null $regexFilter regular expression to filter returned files/folders. See @link * * @throws \RuntimeException * * @return array */ public function listFiles($regexFilter = null) { $filesList = []; if ($regexFilter) { $filter = function ($file) use (&$filesList, $regexFilter) { // push/pop an error handler here to to make sure no error/exception thrown if $expected is not a regex set_error_handler(function () { }); $match = preg_match($regexFilter, $file); restore_error_handler(); if ($match === 1) { $filesList[] = $file; } elseif ($match === false) { throw new \RuntimeException("regular expression match on '$file' failed with error. Please check if pattern is valid regular expression."); } }; } else { $filter = function ($file) use (&$filesList) { $filesList[] = $file; }; } $this->repository->each($filter); return $filesList; } private function getCurrentFolderWithTrailingSlash() { if (empty($this->currentFolder)) { return ''; } $lastChar = mb_substr($this->currentFolder, -1); if ($lastChar !== '/' || $lastChar !== '\\') { return $this->currentFolder.'/'; } return $this->currentFolder; } //---------------------PRIVATE FUNCTIONS------------- /** * @param $pathToZip * * @throws \Exception * * @return bool */ private function createArchiveFile($pathToZip) { if (!$this->file->exists($pathToZip)) { $dirname = dirname($pathToZip); if (!$this->file->exists($dirname) && !$this->file->makeDirectory($dirname, 0755, true)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to create folder'); } elseif (!$this->file->isWritable($dirname)) { throw new Exception(sprintf('The path "%s" is not writeable', $pathToZip)); } return true; } return false; } /** * @param $pathToDir */ private function addDir($pathToDir) { // First go over the files in this directory and add them to the repository. foreach ($this->file->files($pathToDir) as $file) { $this->addFile($pathToDir.'/'.basename($file)); } // Now let's visit the subdirectories and add them, too. foreach ($this->file->directories($pathToDir) as $dir) { $old_folder = $this->currentFolder; $this->currentFolder = empty($this->currentFolder) ? basename($dir) : $this->currentFolder.'/'.basename($dir); $this->addDir($pathToDir.'/'.basename($dir)); $this->currentFolder = $old_folder; } } /** * Add the file to the zip * * @param string $pathToAdd * @param string $fileName */ private function addFile($pathToAdd, $fileName = null) { $info = pathinfo($pathToAdd); if (!$fileName) { $fileName = isset($info['extension']) ? $info['filename'].'.'.$info['extension'] : $info['filename']; } $this->repository->addFile($pathToAdd, $this->getInternalPath().$fileName); } /** * Add the file to the zip from content * * @param $filename * @param $content */ private function addFromString($filename, $content) { $this->repository->addFromString($this->getInternalPath().$filename, $content); } private function extractFilesInternal($path, callable $matchingMethod) { $self = $this; $this->repository->each(function ($fileName) use ($path, $matchingMethod, $self) { $currentPath = $self->getCurrentFolderWithTrailingSlash(); if (!empty($currentPath) && !starts_with($fileName, $currentPath)) { return; } $filename = str_replace($self->getInternalPath(), '', $fileName); if ($matchingMethod($filename)) { $self->extractOneFileInternal($fileName, $path); } }); } /** * @param $fileName * @param $path * * @throws \RuntimeException */ private function extractOneFileInternal($fileName, $path) { $tmpPath = str_replace($this->getInternalPath(), '', $fileName); // We need to create the directory first in case it doesn't exist $dir = pathinfo($path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$tmpPath, PATHINFO_DIRNAME); if (!$this->file->exists($dir) && !$this->file->makeDirectory($dir, 0755, true, true)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Failed to create folders'); } $toPath = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$tmpPath; $fileStream = $this->getRepository()->getFileStream($fileName); $this->getFileHandler()->put($toPath, $fileStream); } }